Opening the Book: All about Me

May 27, 2009 11:24

I'm a chatterbox, first of all.  I like being pithy, but still I tend toward tl;dr much of the time.  When I have the energy, anyway, which I've been lacking this past fortnight.  Bleh.

Anyway, me:
I am a political science, or more generally a social science, geek, which I do talk about.  I'm an Arabophile, wa atakelam shewa arabi. Geopolitics, especially Middle East politics, history, linguistics, current events, all of that, I love to think and talk about.  I am a fangirl, and many of my posts are either fannish thoughts or fic.  Specifically Charmed fic.  I'm also a Trekkie, really a Niner, as the journal shows.

I'm also a practicing Catholic, but I was raised with a strong sense of when and how it's appropriate to discuss religion.  My beliefs do not enter my fanfic unless there is an appropriate in universe reason, and I haven't posted about them.   I like to listen, and I really will, and I freely admit there are many things I haven't figured out yet.  As long as you aren't irrationally anti-Catholic, we should get along vis a vis religious discussion.

I have hemiparesis on the left side of my body, hydrocephalus with a VP shunt, and various vision issues in addition to myopia, including a lack of natural depth perception.  As a result of my vision, I do not drive.  This inspires some, but by no means all, of my irritation with my hometown.  I'm single, and I have a lesbian friend who has kissed more guys than I have.  Most of that is due to where my head was in high school and my body and self-image issues.  Much less of a factor was that I went to an all girls Catholic high school, and was a geek.

That's about it, really.  Anything else, just ask.

about me, personal

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