Taaffe's main aria in different variations

Apr 13, 2009 17:39

As some may already know, I'm positively mad about Eduard graf Taaffe, the main evil character of the musical "Rudolf" by Frank Wildhorn. Well, I've always been mad about a)Charismatic villains of the piece b) Counts c) Extremely clever and powerful ministers, who hold the strings to everything in a country.

So, naturally, the central air of this character is named "The Master of the Strings" ("A mester és a drót", if you look for it in Hungarian). larisch insists that this is merely the nightmare vision of Crown Prince Rudolf, the way he imagines our count. However, I still cling to the idea that this is the quintessence of my dearest character.

(Note: sure enough, I am rather a fan of Taaffe/Larisch as the pairing of my dream, I mean, this pairing is a very important, untakeable part of "my proper" Taaffe character. I am so mad that they've taken out this pairing and that magnificent K&A tango love/hate duet from the Vienna production... Oh please, please, record this song also in English and in German! And dear Hungarians, please make a good complete studio "Rudolf" album with the right casting! Anyway, this is not what I am going to write about right now.)

"Master of the Strings" is one of the very few songs I prefer listening to in the English concept version. Firstly, one can hear and understand the meaning of the words. And then the VOICE! That's the very proper Taaffe for me. Ah, those dark notes in the way he sounds... Unfortunately I don't know anything about this guy, not even his name - does anyone possess this precious information? I know only that he sings Zuniga on the English concept of Wildhorn's Carmen - you can't miss such a voice!

I even took down the words of this song (under cut below). Unfortunately English libretto of Rudolf is nowhere to be found (yeah, I'd be very glad if anyone could tell me where to get it). I'm generally sure about the words, though I had to put several in brackets, where they didn't seem to make much sense. If good English speakers can see and correct any errors, I'd be pretty grateful.

I also didn't mark where are whose words, anyway, on this concept the song is sung not by Taaffe and ensemble, but by Taaffe, Rudolf and Mary and a little bit of ensemble at the end.

The Master of the Strings
In Vienna things get better every day,
There are wonders to see
While we waltz the night away.
Viennese perfection fills the details of our lives
Where the future reflects
And the past always survives

Let us talk of cabbages and kings
Not the shadow waiting in the wings…

See them dance to my tune
Hear them speak the words I say
When I bid them to be happy
They are happy to obey.

See them swagger and strut
As I give them back their nerve
The master of the strings!

There is discontentment out among the young upstarts
They're uneasy, restless
Or their only bleeding hearts.
Shouldn’t we be careful it’s as if the walls have ears
Makes no difference - you see,
It’s been this way for years.

Let us see what fate tomorrow brings
Till we understand the grander scheme of these things.

Let them plot, let them plan,
Let them think they’re in control.
When I bid them to be with me,
They are with me heart and soul
Let them fret in the end
They will get what they deserve
To serve
The master of the strings!

If I lift a finger then a favour gets bestowed
Move it this way, let’s say
And another one is owed.
Pull a little left until the radicals agree
Then a pull to the right
To control the bourgeoisie

Make another promise seem sincere
Pull another string and make it disappear.

There’s a sense of balance you develop or you fall
What approaches protocol at an angle.
One develops talents of discreet diplomacy
It’s a question of degree or the strings will tangle

I survive by my wits and apologize to none
When they ask me to advise them
I advise them till I’d won.
They may smile, they may frown,
But it’s all the same to me - you see,
I’m master of the strings!

Let us dance, let us sing, let us all be light-a-day
When he bids us to be happy,
We are happy to obey.
We must smile, wait in style
Till he bids us to proceed
We need
The master of the strings

He is good, he is kind, he is everybody’s friend,
When he bids us all to follow,
We will follow to the end.
He just wants what is best,
Our opinions are all his
He is
The master of the strings!

We serve
The master of the strings

Long live
The master of the strings!

So - further on with Hungarian Taaffes.
A mester és a drót
Homonnay Zsolt - there's also a video with him, in case there are those who haven't seen this marvellous performance.

image Click to view

Földes Tamás, sounding not bad at all, but, alas, not our right Taaffe when on stage. Couldn't find his video of this particular song.

And - for the collection to be complete - Uwe Kröger from the Viennese album.
Die Fäden in der Hand

musicals, rudolf

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