Feb 11, 2005 13:27
well, i didn't go to school today. i'm sick. and it suCkx =(
bri and andrea- i hope i dont get you guys siCk tOo..
i managed to get out of bed around 11ish and did my laundry like my dad told me to do. then i had to straighten up my room. finally i took a nice, hott bath to relax. then i laid in bed and watched the notebook. what a great movie! it's so romantic =) lol
don't think i can go to the date auction tonight. grrr oh well! i'll get over it. hopefully katye is still able to sleepover. i <3 her. we haven't had one of these kind of nights since like december? loooonnnggg time ago.
valentine's day is right around the corner everybody! i think i have plans to go out to dinner with the best friend ((boy)). hopefully that works out. <3
now i'm gonig to go and lay back down and wait for my dadddy to come get me to go to the doctors. ew! i don't like gonig to the doctors. if it makes me feel better soon than it's worth it! xxoo byee