I almost let St. Patrick's Day go by without using my puking leprechaun icon!!! What was I THINKING??!
For the record, I spent my St. Pat's day rather uneventfully -- went to daily Mass, cleaned a bit, cooked a bit, and watched Doctor Who. And despite receiving a dispensation from the bishop, I still refrained from meat on this Lenten Friday... I'm not much for corned beef, but I'm all about vegetable quiche.
Anyhoo, happy St. Patrick's Day... even if it's almost over.
Father in heaven,
You sent the great bishop Patrick
to the people of Ireland to share his faith
and to spend his life in loving service.
May our lives bear witness
to the faith we profess,
and our love bring others
to the peace and joy of Your Gospel.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.