Oct 28, 2013 12:44

I just finished editing my very first podcast!

It's called "Travels in the UnSeen World" and it's in support of my friend and fellow writer Rachel Calish's UnSeen World. The podcast isn't up yet, but it will be very shortly. I'll post here again when it is.

But, at moment? I'm super proud of myself. Everyone told me working with Audacity wasn't hard, but I didn't really believe them. Now I do! It helps that Rachel purchased the podcast a really nice microphone, which we've nicknamed "Magic Mike" for reasons...

Yeah... it's probably one of the more phallic things any of my friends have bought me. Uh... yeah, let's go with that. Anyway, we recorded several interviews that got distilled into the first episode, which is going to be one part interview and one part like, language/Berlitz tape. Our first language? Cuneiform! Rachel happened to know a professor at my alma mater, Augsburg who was willing to record a few "phrases" for us. Our first word of the day? "Like a dragon...."

If you can't tell, I'm still really excited about it. I'll be sure to put up a link when it's all ready to go.


In other news, I finally got to go to the doctor. Shawn's insurance finally covers me, so I went in and took ALL the tests. Also weirdly invigorating. On Wednesday I see an eye doctor too. Next up? Booking the dentist!

We also got our house decorated for Halloween and Mason went to the first (of possibly other) Halloween parties. His friend Soren invited him over and they even did things like BOB FOR APPLES. When I saw pictures of that on Soren's mom's Facebook page I said to Shawn, "OH THANK GOD. Someone else has provided picturesque childhood memories for Mason!" I mean, seriously, isn't bobbing for apples one of those things kids are supposed to experience at least once in their lives? Now we can check that off the "things you never knew you needed to provide as a parent" list.

Right, so here's his costume:

He's a ghoul harlequin. This is an outfit that he found in a catalogue for Party City that he got, for whatever reason, really attached to. It is pretty cool, I must say. Plus, I managed to find a perfect red wig should I decide to cosplay Renji again anytime soon, so even though we drove around forever on Saturday trying to find a Party City, I'd say it was worth it.

Okay, that's all I got for now. More soon!

halloween, podcasting, health

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