Love My CSA!!

Jun 30, 2009 11:52

Driftless Organics rules.

First, I'm incredibly happy that we decided to do the half-share, although given the quality and variety of things we're getting, we might consider upping to full next year. I just finished the last of the spinach from our first box. A few days ago the potatoes were starting to look ready to sprout, so I quick made up a big pot of mashed potatoes for dinner and then made the rest into kattofel knepfla (potato dumplings, a traditional German dish.) The recipie is a bit nit-picky, but the results are worth it. Especially fried in bacon fat. Yum.

The only item I have left is one green garlic bulb. I had a bit of trouble knowing how to use the green garlic. We make tons of recipies with garlic, but the green garlic isn't quite the same as traditional so... but I did manage to use it mostly up.

But, check this. Get a load of what we're getting next (with any luck. They can't 100% promise):

All Red Potatoes
Fennel (only one bulb - sorry...)
Garlic Scapes
Green Zucchini
Snap Peas
Snow Peas
Yellow Summer Squash

No one in my family is particularly fond of cilantro or fennel (I know, we're complete rubes, with unsophisticated taste,) but strawberries!!??? Whoot! Holy happy eating, Batman!

Like, this is all real food. No bok choy! (No offense, Ger... but I STILL don't quite know what to do with it.)

In other news, Shawn got "Outlander" from Netflix over the weekend. It stars the guy who played Jesus in Mel Gibson's Aramaic film, and can best be described as "Vikings versus space aliens." Shawn read a rave review on Boing-Boing or Gizmoto or one of those cool geek sites, but I have to say it was surprisingly entertaining. Next up? A Norwegian film (in Norwegian) with zombie Nazis. Whoot!

When I have more time I may write a review of "Outlander." The squish morality in it is kind of fascinating.

Also, Mason is home for the week. No, he's not sick again, this is just one of those random weeks off at the year-round school has. Of course, Mason and I planned to go hiking and swimming and it must be sixty degrees outside! (15 C to our internatoinal friends.) It's light jacket weather! Very strange for nearly the first week in July. July is traditionally one of the hotest months. Mason was born in July, on a day in the 90s (32 C.)

I stopped by Pride for a few minutes on Saturday (the not-as-incredibly perfect weather day), and wandered around a bit. Honestly, normally I skip Pride. Shawn hates crowds to the point where she faints if it gets too busy, and Mason isn't really quite old enough to care terribly much (plus there are still the ocassional "Oh My!" bits out there, which I think he could probably wait to see.) I went because True Colors (formerly Amazon bookstore) asked me to stop by and sign stock, which I did. I like them, so even though I had to park a million miles away and hoof it in, I did.

This weekend I'll be at CONvergence. We were going to go to our friends' cabin, but with the convention it's a bit too much driving for me. I'm bummed because Siren supposedly has some awesome small town 4th celebrations, although I'd miss most of them anyway thanks to the convention. Anyway, when I remember I'll hop over to their site and grab my schedule. It's nothing spectacular, but if you're there and want to find me that's where I'll be.

Otherwise, I'm sort of feeling down. The cold gray weather? Or the fact that, out of the blue (not precipitated by a fight) Mason casually said, "You know what I've been thinking? I like Mama better." Okay, I know he's just a five year old, and he doesn't mean it to hurt me, but WTF? And then he says, "Hey, let's go to the park! You can chase me!" and wonders why I look at him like he's a space alien (and not the fun kind that Vikings hunt.) I did explain to him that even if you feel a certain way, you don't always have to tell people. Especially if you think what you have to say might hurr their feelings. This never occurred to him. (However, this isn't the first time he's told me he prefers his mama.)

Anyway, I'm off to the park! To chase Mason! Whoot.

csa, movies, mason, conventions, pride

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