Instantly behind on my April questions but I woke up ill yesterday and it's only a minor cold really but unfortunately, one of my other coworkers was super-sick and two others didn't come in for Reasons so we had a bit of a chaotic day covering everything and therefore, my energy has sort of run out of my boots and puddled sadly on the floor. Yay. Today was mildly better but only mildly.
Anyway, yesterday,
localfreak asked me "If Bernard Black was a mutant, what would his power be?"
Good question. At first, I pondered something wine-related but then I decided it is probably the more broad-spectrumed ability to both attract and then survive really weird shit. Nobody else in the world could end up with a dead badger in their bookshop or a fly that can close a door. This is mutant powers right there. It's just that nobody around him can be bothered doing anything about it!
Then I pondered about if he is just immortal. And this led me to the happy conclusion that actually, Bernard Black is Wolverine's drunk, grumpy younger brother. They have awkward family meals and absolutely nothing in common. I may have to write that one.
And for today,
flirting asked "What is your favorite color? Why?"
Purple. Purple's been my favourite colour for a really long time. Pretty much all shades with a slight favouring to darker ones rather than lighter. I own quite a few nice fancy purple things (my holiday to Glastonbury was useful in this regard!)
Why is interesting though - I don't really know why. I can't even remember deciding it, it just sort of happened. I think because it's quite dramatic but also does come with a lot of shades. Hurrah for purple! :)
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