(no subject)

Mar 15, 2010 23:42

IT CAME BACK! Clearly, my bot missed me! And when I say "Missed me" what I really mean is "Was the exact same bot as before." But this time, Morgana had a few things to say ...

Idiot Bot says:

LadyMorgana says:
Who are you?

Idiot Bot says:
i'm 21/f your a male right?

LadyMorgana says:
Actually, no, I am not as I thought have thought the name suggested. Why are you communicating with me if you don't know who I am?

Idiot Bot says:
nice I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?

LadyMorgana says:
How should I know where you messaged me from? Don't be silly.

Idiot Bot says:
I know a way we can chat and have a better time.. do you cam?

LadyMorgana says:
I'm quite fine like this, thank you. I have no interest in "cam."

Idiot Bot says:
Well i don't do yahoo cam or any other cam because i have been recorded before... But i do know one site you can watch me on cam that assures me no one records...

LadyMorgana says:
I have just told you that I have no interest in "cam"!
Are you actually listening to me?

Idiot Bot says:
I mean... Do you want to see me on my cam?

LadyMorgana says:
... Arthur, this is you isn't it?
You're so very, VERY funny.

Idiot Bot says:
Ok go to *link removed to protect the innocent* and click "CLICK HERE TO SEE ME LIVE!"

LadyMorgana says:
Yes Arthur. Of course I'm going to click that link. What does it lead to exactly? Is it actually porn or just a picture of you and your stupid knights laughing?
Honestly, you could at least TRY.

Idiot Bot says:
Ok baby the password is "daddy"... put that in so you can see me grab myself for free

LadyMorgana says:
"Daddy"? Well, you **would** pick that for a password, wouldn't you?

Idiot Bot says:
sweet fill out the info ur info.. i can not wait for you to see me baby let me find something nice to wear

LadyMorgana says:
Are you sure you want to be revealing your issues like this, Arthur? I mean, obviously, we all **suspected** that this is what you like to do on-line but really, telling me in such detail ...

Idiot Bot says:
its the sites policy to ensure no minors get access to the site so they might ask for CC to verify your age babe.

LadyMorgana says:
Why, of course they will! Purely to make sure I'm legally allowed in, of course. Sadly, these things usually go by your physical age and not your brain so I suppose they let you in.

Idiot Bot says:
What color Panties do you think i should wear? i might have you favorite color here somewhere...

LadyMorgana says:
... you wear panties, Arthur?
How about some pretty pink ones?
I do hope they are lacy.

Idiot Bot says:
Your such a good boy i'm gonna show you what good boys deserve.. you can tell me to do anything you want me too!

LadyMorgana says:
Hmm, what do I want you to do, Arthur? How about go and shove your head in a pile of horse manure?

Idiot Bot says:
Ok let me know when you get in so I can invite you directly to my cam.

LadyMorgana says:
Arthur, are you ever going to get bored with this? I know that it's you.

Idiot Bot says:
u have to enter a cc atm or debit card so they can tell your of age thats the ony way to see me sweety :(

LadyMorgana says:
Arthur, sometimes I would give a lot never to lay eyes on you again.

Idiot Bot says:
k you in yet babe??

LadyMorgana says:
ARTHUR! If you don't let this go, I will tell EVERYONE what happened on your fourteenth birthday. INCLUDING Merlin!

Idiot Bot says:

LadyMorgana says:
"k" as in you'll let it go or "k" as in you don't care if your manservant knows the sordid details?
I'll take that resounding silence as the first one.
Honestly, you never know when to let it go, do you? Idiot.

40fandoms - Reflections (Mars)

fanfic, merlin, conversations with an idiot bot

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