(no subject)

Jan 28, 2010 22:49

So, as I mentioned, Mum and I have been re-watching Buffy from the beginning. Last night, we watched What's My Line? Parts 1 and 2. Then we had this conversation.

Mum: Why is Angel such a good vampire?
Me: *brightly explains stuff about vampire lore and Darla looking after him, etc.*
Mum: *rather pathetically* Yes, but why is he a good vampire?
Me: ... you ... missed that bit of the plot then? With the curse and everything?
Mum: Yes.

I mocked. And laughed. And explained about that whole soul thing. Probably quite a good thing that she asked this question before we got to Surprise ...

(I love watching Buffy with Mum. She had no idea Ted was a robot and was totally fascinated and squeaked a lot. (also, Ted is one of the only times I really like Angel and Buffy together. It's just a lovely moment between them, all nice and not over-stated and he's not being annoying or patronising or anything. I approve.) We then watched Bad Egss and Mum pouted tragically and said that Spike was supposed to have been in that episode and therefore would we would have to watch the next one. Truly, my mother is very biased regarding Spike! XD)

Have had a productive day off today using my last day of leave. Made cakes, called the JobCentre, read quite a lot. Throat is feeling renewedly sore this evening though. I am glaring at it darkly. Bugger off, throat! NO MORE COLDS DAMMIT.

btvs, chronicles of lycoris's batty relations

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