(no subject)

Nov 06, 2009 23:59

I am suffering a terrible tendency lately of saying "Bradley Walsh" rather than "Bradley James." There is something of a significant difference between the two so it's annoying me quite a bit! Oh well.

Regarding the Doctor Who: Water of Mars Trailer, I have to say Good LORD people. That looks a lot like the ENTIRE PLOT you just gave me there. And oh CHRIST, not another FUCKING FAKE OUT regarding "you die tonight." I mean, I almost believe it but I refuse to fall for that again. Fool me twice, shame on me, fool me three times, I'm a MORON. So there. YOU CAN'T TRICK ME RUSSELL T.

I'm really not looking forward to this one actually. It looks seriously grim and I really don't like zombie stories very much. The only good thing about it is that it's on a Sunday, not Saturday and thus not stealing the weekly dose of Merlin from me because that would actually be tragic. So ... yeah. I'm sure I'll watch it but I just have NO excited feelings at all - more vague "Ugh" feelings. Which is kind of sad because it should be "OMG AWESOME." and instead it's really not. Stupid Doctor Who. *glares at it*

Have now reached Season Seven in the Buffy Rewatch. Today, I had this exchange with my mother while we watched "Him."

Mum: So, is he a vampire?

Seven Seasons man. SEVEN SEASONS. It's bad enough that she still regularly called Dawn "Miranda." (although that's more a joke now really after the first time where she went "Miranda. Matilda?") But honestly! It's not that hard. *shakes head.

Also, I'm highly amused that Mum now faithfully believes that Spike will solve everything. She has become very fond of him which means that I'll have to be very sympathetic come the end ... (I love how she has no idea what's going to happen. It's very exciting. Although did once mean that I had to gag myself half way through a conversation about the evil/dead lesbian trope because one of my most interesting examples was Willow and Tara and we were only half-way through Season Five at that point ...)

I have to say, I think Help is a gorgeous episode and I don't care what everyone else things. I get two messages from it and I approve of both. 1) Sometimes you just can't help but you should try anyway and 2) Even if you can't help, sometimes by trying you make things better. I know that I'd rather die of natural causes than by being murdered by greedy boys.

And damn, Him is hilarious. I'm SO glad that I missed that shitty bit of teenagehood though. But oh, oh, beautiful slapstick. And oh, oh, Xander and Spike's cunning plan of "grab him, grab jacket, FLEEEE!" You go, criminal masterminds!

doctor who, btvs, chronicles of lycoris's batty relations

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