(no subject)

Oct 06, 2009 23:47

My first interview! It went well actually - it was pretty short, I mastered the Apple Mac for the the IT test very well (which was good since I've never used a Mac before) I think I managed to answer the questions well - I was at least coherent, which was a relief and one of my answers was met with approval at least. So that's good! I should find out tomorrow and at least I don't have to feel that I messed up - it was okay! I survived! (and cause it was in a library, I was able to sneak into the book stacks afterwards and found two books I've wanted to read for ages so all was good!)

katharos_8 and d_duckling sent me my birthday present today. All three volumes of Jyu Oh Sei! GREAT GLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Much stroking and cooing and happy love! I have been wanting those for SO LONG and I didn't even know that Volume 3 had been published! They are MINE, ALL MINE! *coughs* So I'll be reading those soon and enjoying them.

Finally got round to watching the first episode of House. I loved his roommate SO MUCH! It was just precious! I hope he gets better, finds House and annoys the crap out of him forever and ever. And awww, Wilson refusing to enable! Good Wilson! You can do this! *pats him*

the books they breed, house, jyu oh sei

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