The first ten people to comment in this post get to request a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing from me. Prompts also appreciated but not necessary. And although it says "ten" as that's the meme, in the unlikely event of ten people actually asking, feel free to ask anyway! I might be inspired! Fandoms ... any of the obvious choices. Try to pick things that I've heard of or it won't work very well!
Today, I have spent a lot of time ranting about the state of society. I was going to post some of it but am now feeling vaguely more mellow and can't be bothered engaging my rage again. Watched House and laughed a lot - Thirteen's manipulations were a high point for me! *pats her* Have decided to try and aim for earlier nights as I'm very tired and therefore keep feeling unpleasantly angsty. We'll see how long that continues but I can try!