(no subject)

Mar 30, 2009 23:19

Today, I found that I had a pair of jeans that I'd forgotten I owned. This is bizarre for me because normally, I know exactly what I own bar a few fancy dresses that are lost at the back of the wardrobe. How can I have forgotten a pair of JEANS? It's not like I've got many pairs. It's nice though because I've lost my belt and my charcoal pants do NOT fit right.

The other night, I dreamed that I was watching Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock and Watson were being insanely slashy together in a bedroom and Sherlock informed Watson that he had the body of an imp and the hands of a woman. (?!?) I decided I could so write a fanfic about this for 40fandoms and started trying to find the scene in the book. Then I woke up and was all "... what?" Oh dreams, where would I be without you?

Have moved onto The Thorn Birds for Big Read reading and OH GOD, it's even more annoying than The Magician! The only character I liked just freaking DIED and I'll have to put up with 300 odd pages of everyone else needing a good screaming at. Why? WHY?! Is this because I didn't enjoy Pride and Prejudice that much? Is this some sort of punishment? *froths* (maybe it improves after page 246? *hopes*)

Title: Traveling Companions
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Some people are just not natural traveling companions but they can muddle along together. Written for rushikayu13 who wanted to see what would happen if the Sixth Doctor, Turlough and Owen Harper travelled together.
Link: Here

Title: The Same
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Summary: It's Willow and Tara's first time together since Buffy's death.
Link: Here

(egg drops again! Hurrah!)

torchwood, buffy the vampire slayer, doctor who, big read, fanfic, books, random, dreams

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