Oct 14, 2024 22:06
I have achieved Walmart.
I think I registered to vote. The cutoff date is the 15th and I hope the officials accept the postmark on the envelope as on time. Unfortunately there was that holiday which might delay things. But on the other hand I found the Post Office which turns out to be close.
But, of course, I had to hook up the printer first before downloading the application. As a friend used to say, whatever you want to do, you have to do something else first. I had to order a new table for my printer because the former one fell apart during the move. It just gave up.
Things are going on shelves. I have moved one of the bookshelves I had in the living room to the kitchen so I’m hoping there’ll be enough room for the books. And the tchotchkes.
I looked into getting a new driver’s license. It seems to necessitate a trip to the dmv. And there aren’t any openings in my town but I could go to Eugene. Like, I’m spinning around this town without a clue and you want me to try someplace else? I need to work up to that.
new place 2