Hi guys ! Hope you have missed me as I have been missing you ! Textures { hoppas }

Oct 16, 2013 00:04

Hi there!!!
I' ve missed you all so so much ! ♥
I really hope that you're doing great!

I hope everything is on it's way to be more calm in my life now and that I will be able to come here much more often.
I truly missed this place and I'm so thankful to see that you're still here with me at lyckaa

Pretty new pinkish textures.
Hope you like them ♥

Hoppas is the Swedish word for .... Hope.

{ 100x100
{ .png

Download them here.

{ comment if you download please.
{ credit. lyckaa or tomycoffee @ lyckaa
{ feel free to watch the community for updates

Thank you for your interest and take care <3


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