Apr 05, 2011 17:51

So I signed up for a 20 in 20 challenge at stock20in20  and Yes it was fun, it really was. My theme was Ships. Fun absolutely but jees! how hard... Well here they are and hope you guys like them.
My absolute favourites to make were ( of course ) the Vibrant coloring ones :DD

As always when it comes to the ocean and ships I think of ny beloved grandpa &&hearts


Not 100x100, Summer, Friendship, Blue, Far away,


Funny, Sad, Up, Down, Negative space


5 Category: Vibrant coloring


5 Artist's Choices


Alt's and more


→ comment  please
→ credit. lyckaa  or tomycoffee @ lyckaa 
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→ x - posted to crimson_iink

&stock, &20in20theme: ships, &icons

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