Mar 27, 2010 12:06
As you all know by now, I enjoy thinking of possibilities of things that are happening, and of things to come. I suppose that has something to do with the watchtower I signed, and also the philosophical nature of our very faction. Or it could be that I'm just in my own crazy little wonderland enjoying a good unbirthday mental exercise, I'm not certain yet.
There's been talk of outsiders, a group of things beyond the supernal realms. Things meant to be forgotten and things that we shouldn't even be able to conceive, lest it lead us down a path of madness. However, if you think about it, that sounds an awful lot like the Abyss. A place filled with madness, disorder, and terrible things. Now, its a common perception that our hubris in attempting to create a ladder to reach the supernal realms and bridge the gap between our world and theirs. What if this realm of outsiders was borne from Supernal Hubris? Inhabitants of the the supernal realms trying to gather power and bridge the gap to realms even higher? If so is there more? How far down the rabbit hole are we right now? How many layers could possibly exist above us?
Are we caught in a cycle of hubris, with terrible things being the backlash? Should Sam Cole have been saying "This has all happened before, and it will happen again" with some guy calling her the Harbinger of Death? If we are caught in a cycle , how much is really around us, and what power do we have to stop or protect from any of it? It's interesting to think of the possibility that we have the power to bend reality to our will, but only to an extent. For all that we've accomplished, and Archmaster could cause us to tumble faster than a Jenga tower. What causes the Archmasters to Fall? And what causes those to fall?
Yeah... I kind of feel like I'm rambling. However this is the second side to what I feel our faction is. We are the analysts, the number crunchers, the people who can make the hard decisions that need to be made with cold calculated efficiency. But we are also the philosophers, those who dream and try to imagine the possibilities beyond the numbers. We record what we do in the hopes that those that come after us find inspiration in our works and create things to adapt to the needs of their time. We are a set of Kwistaz Haderach's, able to be in many places and times at once with our minds and thoughts. Able to see the things that cannot and should not be seen.
I'm sure that when Liv gets back and reads this she'll wonder what's gotten into me. But at least I made her an Unbirthday Cake. That should make her smile and put her worries to rest. I've been cooped up in this house too long. Reading.
P.S Payday I'm still sane and capable for duty. Just contemplative.