Oh Comcast, I FREAKING HATE YOU. :] In other non-TV retardedness,
Zukogetslaid, a community for bettering our beloved Prince Zuko.
Ok. hik;vc jifxcbvg fljhv G J YFCKGHC BFH GSJVKZKd
... Ok, seriously, I'll be back. (Z.O.M.G.G.G.G. Just saw preview for THE BLIND BANDIT and urrrgh, TOPH. I <3 her for reasons beooooond meeejvdlhgx vk xv rbsgxc dfsdiszXzccx fvc vgfstrhegrsz)
Ok. five minutes later and I'm BACK. ... Holy shit.
Augh. First Nick pulls a fast one and axes the second ep (NUUUUU). As if that wasn't annoying enough my cable box just freaking fritzes on me. Thankfully by the time Avatar starts there are only minor blips and all that. And on time, no wai. (remember my rant about showing Catscrach before Avatar?)
Ok. Zomgwtfbbqqqqqq. Go away preview on TurboNick, U FAIL. This ep was awsome. First matters first- After Sokka lost his boomerang they apologize and Kat hugs Sokka. Then. At the end when the BIG BAD GROUP of IMPENDING DOOM stomps in and takes over the joint stuff happened and Sokka was reunited with Boomerang. (and thus the potential Azula/Sokka is shot down like a rabid dog)
Ok. As for the ep. Great stuff man, great stuff. Seems that I was the last one to spot it but the city ruler was VA'd by that snooty scribe from Mulan. YES. Man, he was so flamboyanyt and exagerated. I loved his actions. Seems that the writers snuck in some ranchy humor in this ep- as far as I remember this is probably the second or third time. (out of 5 eps? Gold star for Avatar~) I'm glad to say that, yes, you anticipatedguessed it, FOAMING KYOSHI MAN. He had a long scene too and omg, animated so much better than the first time. I loved how Sokka and Kat droped the "Aangs not here" bomb CFG got up, whiped his mouth, hid in his robes, and sulked off. I was kinda mortified with the wheel of torture. Eaten by sharks? Bed of nails? Boiled in oil? Eech! Sokka's and Katara's expressions were prceless though. (their interaction this ep? Nice!) When I saw that huge guy with the tattoo's the first thing that came to mind was "Zomg, AANG RAPE o_o" Thankfully, it never happened. That, and the conversation Aang had with the inmates was cute. ^^
Kyoshi is all sorts and too many kinds of kickass. Seriously, and dad with his Perfect Timing™ calls and says that he was coming home in the middle of Kyoshi's story time. ;_; OH WELL, she was amazing. I wasn't too attached to her but now ... ♥♥♥ I was kinda sad that we saw Koko and not Suki. I was actually looking forward to seeing her. :( Seeing Aang in Kyoshi!drag was beautiful though. Also, detective!Sokka = win. It would have been even better if he had a fedora and a trenchcoat. Can you say WINx10?)
Because it's like, I donno, manditory, my two cents on Zuko: OHMYGOD WHY. Seriously. That was ... ugh, so awful. I'm just, I donno. On one hand, it's nice (in it's on way) to see Zuko go BLUE SPIRIT and steal stuff for Iroh but on another ... it was wrong and pitiful. I was hoping when Zuko came back after thinking on Iroh's words he would have said that he's come to his senses, that he admits what he did was wrong, the usual cliche bit. BUT NO. He has to be all "Uncle, because you don't support me and my tactless lifestyle I'm OUT." I really didn't like the scene. It was ok, but I just hated how Zuko acted. He says he's ditching Uncle, Uncle then gives him their only means of transportation, then Zuko hops on the chocobo and floors it without a single word? GOOD RIDDENCE. D: I kinda feel like weeping, it was so heartbreaking. I suspect that Iroh knew all along though, hense the small speach.
Auuugh omg Nick you tards, I was so looking forward to watching this but uh, no. When the preview came on I flipped out.
-FIRST. Nuuu, Toph isn't a tall sexy (blindfolded) lady~ WITH AN EMO!HAT~ D: She's really cute though, so it's ok. I think she's going to be a real brat though, if that was her who stimped up that rockmound at Aang.
-SECOND. *deep breath* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, anything but *that*!! Not my "Jun is going to join the group" theory! You shot it, you shot it like it was a Azula/Sokka hint rabid dog!! Why dangit, WHY!! I *wanted* Jun to join the group! I *wanted* her to interact with everyone! ...Ok, so I just wanted to see more of her. Who cares though, noooo~
... I had a dream looooong before season two came out (I think it was still December) that Jun was with the Aang Gang. (ew, I'm using that term now) Ugh, I want more Jun daangit. :<
- THIRD. Cabbage merchant. :>
Annnd there's Bumi (wait, what?), Haru (plzdon'tbethenewmember *crosses fingers*), crazy looking dude, Aang in some new clothes (o boy :]), and some other wacky stuff. ANTICIPATION? High. :]
I ate all of the beef jerky dad gave me in like, five minutes. :< And now for some reviews that are copy and pasted from Word. (behold the power of pre-typin them up)
I think these episodes solidify my theory, in which a second season of a show tends to be “bolder” and be more fanservicy. Seriously, it’s like they gave up more skirt!shots than before and made the girls x2 curvy. Either that or I really have forgotten how they looked on S1. XD
Anyways, EW. Ep 9 was like a fanfiction. Ulrich was OOC, Yumi’s family was WTF, and dhgvhbhjdhnb GYAH. William was there but srsly, he was like … pansy or something. THAT WASN’T INTEMIDATING. Ep10 was bland. Jeremie creates a supar thing that attacks and kills all of XANA’s monsters. Yay until and eats everyone and lol, at first I thought the thing was flinging Aelita off because she was icky or something. XP In the end it’s destroyed and WTF HAPPENED TO KIWI? (I know I hate him but come on, he just … disappears?)
Sissi is still cutely annoying though so yay. ♥
…No. Just NO. I could barely sit through this ep, moreless watch it all at once. (saw it in small segments) Watanuki doesn’t sound Watanuki-enough and Yuuko’s shop assistants are ANNOYING. I thought Yuuko would sound more seductive but was still ok. The pacing wasn’t so good and ergh, they put zero effort into the BG characters. Rant aside, it was ok. The palette and art style is nice. I’m really digging how there are no sterotypical overly-shiney!anime eyes. I’m not sure what to think though, it’s pacing threw me off and I’m not sure what to make of it.
Dr.Who, s28, eps 1-2
ARGH HOSHI I H8 U KAY How dare u let me b excited for this >:( But yeah, they were pretty good. The first ep was filled with love because of the CATGIRL!NUNS. (I would say CATBOI!MONKS but there weren’t any) It was pretty plot-holy though … how exactly did Cassandra come back again? And wasn’t s/he a boy (how lived in the artic of Texas) when s/he was younger? Bah, and then has a loveslave who does anything for her ... and then strokes her even though she’s a piece of ass, litterly And that stunt that 10 pulled at the end? W.T.F. Hopefully the CYGIRL!NUNS come back. (they were arrested, which in any show equals them coming back for revenge omgyay ♥)
Tooth and Claw. My first thoughts when I saw the first minut was omg CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON despite the fact that I’ve neve seen the film Then. The monks whip off their cloaks and I’m all “Omg Airbender!monks???/?”. The opening scene was amusing. 10 beating up the TARDIS and Rose being reffered to as a “wee naked lass”. (or thereabouts) HEY GUYS LETS SEE IF WE CAN SPOT THE PAINFULLY OBVIOUS TORCHWOOD AND BADWOLF REFENCE. :/ It was pretty intense. Untill 10 “connects the dots” and pulls some BS thesis out of his arse alongside some major plot points. And Hoshi is right, what happened to the monks?
After seeing someone mention AE on GAIA I went to YouTube and watched a few of these shorts. These must be some of the original ones because no one talks and in the end Aeon gets killed. I kinda like her- even though she’s scantily clad and tries to be sexy, she tends to mess up quite a bit. The one thing that I really don’t like about these is how she either dies in the end or is stuck in a horrible situation. (sometimes both)
Guys, take my advice. Do NOT watch these before going to bed. Unfortunately I did, and I regret it. D:
I am so glad that I didn’t buy this. When I read the snippet on TP’s website I was thrilled because it sounded so interesting and just my style~ Then I look at it and first off, it’s AU (which kinda let me down). I was hoping it was set in modern times. Second, the stories themselves sucked. I mean, flat 2D characters and … I can’t even find words to describe it. The first (main) story is about a family in which the mother has to hook up with their son due to some curse. Long story short, the boy doesn’t like this so he gets with his sister and they run off together. (some random dude is thrown in for shits and giggles) Second story was pointless (even I didn’t get it) and the last story was wtf-abusive!shoujo-ai. A girl has a “mirror-image”, and she treats her like crap and at the end when the girl is dying she tells her mirror-image that she really loved her despite the beatings. It’s ok, throughout the entire story the mirror-image doesn’t mind, as long as she’s with the girl.
The whole book read like a badfic on crack. And PUBLISHED. Half of the time the boys look like they’ve just been molested and, I kid you not, the author says she spends all of her time on the bodies and puts little effort into the faces. O RLY.
….The other half of the time the guys looked really nice though. *_*
Aaaand Fosters "Challenge of the Superfriends" is not there because cable was being a twat and I couldn't even watch it. (messed up image + spractic sound?) Fortunantly it was minimalized near the end and from what I saw, I liked. (omg lol Ed)