Jun 10, 2005 00:04
My car insurance will split in half. So good news. Other than that lately everyone seems to be in a mood...more like a funk. I know I am...I can be the freaking ring leader right now.
I feel lost and anxious at the same time.
lost because everyone around seems to be moving foward in their lives...new jobs, graduating, babies, and marriage...and I am still in tha same spot I was in for what it seems like the last 5 years of my life.
I've been locked in my room since Monday really...haven't left the house since...Just trying to get scrapping done and just really thinking what I want out of life and where I see myself in the next 5 years and what steps am I going to take to get there.
Anxious because I want to be out in the world already..I want the steady job, husband, house and 2 yorkies and I just want it all right now but then I know that it's not time for that right now.
I know it's a long and steady process...sometimes I wish everything was handed to me...wouldn't life be great? (who doesn't think that once in their lifetime?) But then how would you appreciate it if you don't work for it... (thanks to my mom for that idea)...
well for now I feel a little bit better typing this out and sending it off into space.... until next time...