Mar 13, 2006 21:01
Hey guys, I need to work on my social life. I know there are a couple of you guys that I actually know that want/need to do the same. So...even though I'm under 21... Wanna hang out more? David can watch baby more, lol. And even if he doesn't wanna, I can finde someone to watch him almost anytime after my parents get back from mexico...
TARA! MEGAN! NEED TO GET TOGEATHER FOR REAL! WITHOUT DAVID AND BABY! David can go..hang out with Robin and baby can go to grammas'... I wanna show you the schematics for a costume I'm gonna make for a friend that is coming over from canada in July for the con. Maybe you guys could help me finde and price stuff for it. Alrady found some of it. Mebbe after one of us (me/david) gets a job the three of us need to make a black elk run! anywho.
This is me spweing my desire for scocial interaction that exceeds typing to losers like myself on W.o.W. This is me wanting a slight life...