Well, my new job isn't exactly all you would think I would crack up to be. Being a housekeeper at a vet clinic isn't all that great. God awefule boring actually. My boss is one of thoes people that doesn't like to see someone standing around twiddeling their thumbs, so she gets onto my case whenever she sees me not doing something. I mean, there is only so much you can do before you have to stop and wait for someone to get done with something before you have something else to do. I've cleaned the exact same dirty looking spot on the wall about thirtey times, just to make myself look busy. I don't get to interact with the animals that much. I just watch them come and go, and clean up any blood trails they happen to leave, and fur, and stench.
In other news...
SOMEONE STOLE MY FRIGGEN ART! They stole an avatar that I drew on the wacom tablet a while back, and it shouldn't be on anyones computer but mine. I don't even have it posted anywhere on the net. Yet, there it is....
Other news...
Ummm... not much...got lots of great new songs... yeah...