Dec 01, 2005 03:31
WOOT! I got a new P2P downloader and I got myself some of the newer BHG songs, plus some Rhapsody, and much much more (even some Queer as Folk music Tara) But what I found increadably Incridable is that I found more ASP! IM SOOOOO HAPPPYY!!!!YEEEEEEE!!!XD(yes, i actually make that noise when im happy, the happier i am the longer it goes) *drools and twitches* ASP...Sooooooo happpy....mmm....hehehehehe...soryy, im going on about a band you probably have no clue what they are. Its a band that is German, but they tranlate all their songs into english and sing em. Oh My god i LOVE darkwave, speacilly ASP...heheheheh YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! SQUEEEEEEEEE!