Yamapi & Ryo leave NEWS!

Oct 07, 2011 21:38

Thank You  dozchan 
This is really a shock news from Johnny's Entertainment!!!

Sad announcement for NEWS fan all over the world.

Yamapi and Ryo will leave NEWS so from now NEWS will have only 4 members. As website said.. Pi will start his solo while Ryo will be in Kanjani8.

Source :  sponichi // Yahoo






Google translation:

Popular group "NEWS" Yamashita Tomohisa (26), Ryo Nishikido (26) in the group withdrew from the date 7. Johnny's office announced yesterday that they belong.  The solo Yamashita, Nishikido is devoted to information about Jani ∞. Koyama Keiichiro NEWS will remain (27), Akira Kato, growth (24), Takahisa Masuda (25), Tegoshi Yuya (23) to continue the activities of four people.  Yamashita, "now is the challenge alone. The inconveniences like feel now, you probably also be very, went hard at work one by one with the precious experiences obtained in the NEWS so far You want and "enthusiasm into his solo career, and Oyama NEWS remain in the" now also become a separate activity, the future has taken more than eight years歳月Together we inherited in four NEWS "commented positively.  Nishikido掛Ke持Chi was about the NEWS ∞ Jani and is cited as a reason for that withdrawal was not successful in scheduling activities for both groups, "Koyama, Kato, Masuda, thank you for many years to deliver a new手越NEWS "sent out the NEWS and newborn.

dozchan massage:
I know many ppl will sad that Ryo finally have to make decision which way he will be. He cant stay both forever.  it will make both sad and happy for fans from his decision. I will accept and respect his, i know he already think alot before doing it and know it will hurt lots of his fans and may lose some. Times cant wait and he have to move forward.
Sorry that my comment may hurt someone but it believe in him and still move forward with him.

credit to dozchan

lybrint comment:
- This really a sad & shock news I ever heard from NewS & Kanjani8. I love NewS because of Nishikido Ryo, no more or less. I'm sorry for others hear this. SO, It's true that Ryo will leave NewS?! I hope it's just a rumour *cross finger* coz' I love BOTH bands ^_^ NewS make a lot of afford to reach this level they had today. Lot of memories n stories they had share to their fans n to them itself personally...Well, our grandpa Johnny has make the decision for the best of the industry, I guest...It's just pity, to let this thing happen T_T

Well....that's the truth! Bare with it!  Even it was a SAD thing to agree with it *broken heart*

++added info

posting, nishikido ryo, news

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