Angel Toast Halloween Quiz Event!

Nov 01, 2010 06:44

Halloween 2010 AngelToast Quiz Event ~ yay prizes!

What do artists do with heads that don’t come out so perfect? Make them into something special!
To celebrate the night of fright and make it last a little longer, we’re having a little event!
(XD DoA Smiley! Who knew...)

There are four quiz questions, the answers to which can be found by looking around the AngelToast Dolls website.
Participants with the correct answers will be entered into a drawing for the prizes.

The prizes are two OOAK Halloween-themed AngelToast heads: Ghost Raven and Scarface Elf Raven.
There will be two winners, one for each head (you can chose which one to enter for).

All other info about the event and the quiz questions (and more pics) can be found on the Angel Toast Dolls website:

Prize heads:

Ghost Raven:


angel toast, bjd

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