Elf Raven teaser pics, headcap pics, tech babble! :D

Sep 03, 2010 18:50

I got really, really bored with commissions today (which is bad), so I took a bunch of pictures and wasted a whole bunch of time editing them. v_v

One of the Elf Ravens has nabbed azurielle 's poor Julien's body... it just happened to be very convenient in fit, color, and outfit. >.> I'm sorry, Julien! I love you very much! I promise you'll get a shiny new faceup in return! I need more 8-9 wigs, I only have two. Why did I make such an inconvenient head size??

I need to come up with a snazzy tagline for him, like drowning_poppet 's strike of genius with "Come fly with me". I LOVE YOU, LEECHY! ;3; I have one for Hawk, I think. We shall see.

Two more Ravens:

The earring holes are not in the sculpt, I just felt like giving this one some earrings. And a preemptive No, I did not make that sword! It's a letter opener from the Noble Collection. And he's... dumb enough to hold the blade with his hand. Uhm... he's an Elf! That's why. They can do that.

On to the more Work In Progress things...

Elf Raven as seen above is cast from the old mold. Right now, that master is getting a bit of a makeover as I rework it to have the new headcap. Shouldn't take too much longer, I hope. I also sanded his jaw a bit more, since the cast above seems to me to have a somewhat square/flat jaw. I'm wondering if that was a problem with the moldmaking? Hmm... well, here's the modding:

See that shiny smooth new headcap? :D Well, it's a bit messy, especially on the inside. But ehh. It's inside. If I obsess over that at this point, Hawk and Elf Raven will never go up for sale. Speaking of Hawk and the new headcap:

In that last pic, you can see what my new molding technique is... I bet everyone else has been doing it this way for ages and I'm late to the show. I know the bigger companies do, because once I thought about it I realized that most of my dolls have seam lines right there by the ear. Instead of claying around the headcap-line and letting the silicone for the first half of the mold fill around the ear, I clayed a little curve up to the ear, and halfway around it.... that... makes no sense! Well, the seamline is self-explanatory I guess. This way, there is no silicone "behind" the ear, because that was the first spot to break with the old Raven molds since I had to pull it and wiggle the ears out. Now, one half of the ear is in the bottom half of the mold, and the other half is in the top half. Hahaha! Oy. XD And the air vents from the ears' rims lead out through tiny holes in between the two mold halves - big enough to do their job, but not huge enough to make a (bigger) mess. The seamlines have to be sanded away, but it's better than having ears with holes and broken molds. I'll take some pics of it sometime.

Now I don't have any more excuses... back to work with me!

bjd making, photos

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