Недавно отримав такого листа:
Deduct up to $560,000 from your 2012 corporate taxes with IRS tax code
Section 179.
Take delivery of any Stratasys 3D Printer by December 31, 2012 and you may be able to deduct the full purchase price from your company's gross income, or deduct the full equipment price of a multi-year lease - this year.
If you've been thinking about a Stratasys system, now's the time. Learn more about this tax incentive and take delivery by year-end.
To learn more, talk with an expert in your area.
Stratasys, Inc.
Виходить, купив 3Д принтер - спиши бабло! Правда по цій секції виходить багато чтого можна списати - софт, компи, машину і інше обладнання. Це так, хазяйці на замітку.
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