Apr 07, 2007 22:10
Last night I shared my dorm room all to myself. I played my music all night long on my computer and woke up to the sunlight. The night before I had watched Howl's Moving Castle with Brianna and Stephie. They enjoyed the movie a lot, as it kept distracting them from their more important task-- making an Easter egg hunt for their boyfriends. But alas, me being single, I didn't have that 'luxury' so I watched my movie happily while eating mac'n'cheese and drinking my strawberry soda.
It now occurs to me that drinking that strawberry soda, along with my mac'n'cheese, the sweet tarts that Brianna so graciously gave me, and watching a fun filled fantasy film about magic and love-- was not a good thing to do. Especially before bedtime.
Now commonly, I have weird dreams when Kat (my roommate) is gone, because I get the o so lovely luxury of playing my music all night long. The music, in return, gives me weird ass dreams. Last night, well, went above and beyond that.
I will say right now that my dream consisted of Howl's Moving Castle, Legend of Zelda, and Banjo Kazzoie like themes. Needless to say Jacki and Marie were a big influence on this dream... as well as being characters in it.
Well to start off... The dream first started with a pretty bird chirping music sound. The water was blue with tones of purple. Similar to the water you'd see in the Soul Caliber 3 game when battling Tira on the water. The sky was at sunset level. It was a gorgeous red and orange, with an occasional yellow peeking through. At this moment I could tell that I was the main character. I couldn't see myself or what I looked like (yet) and so all I could do was observe my surroundings. This dream was one of those dreams that I was very aware of. I knew I was Dani, not the character that I later turned out to be. I was aware of the similarities my dream had with the video games and movies I had watched. It was weird. Really, fricken, weird.
After soaking up the birds and the bees like atmosphere, I realized I was standing smack dab in the center of a wooden raft. The wood was dark brown and all to video game like. The pixels were very evident. I was a little offended, I mean, couldn't the little brain section in my head make the raft at least a little more realistic? Cheap. Anyways, this is where the camera angle viewed out. And there I was. Daniella Marie Collier, but.. well I was in Sophie Hatter's body. --but I just wasn't wearing a pretty little green dress like she did in the movie. I had a black cut off tunic with thigh length boots and well, black tights. What the hell was I suppose to be? Some kind of sick Dominatrix Shadow Link? And my hair wasn't even the pretty grey color she had at the end of the movie. It was still the aburnish colored hair, only it was long and tied with a black ribbon. At least I didn't have a hat that looked like Link's as well. Everything else was Sophie though. The voice and face, even her personality... Despite me trying to change it my mind was stuck on making her a sweet, gentle girl. -_- Pa-tue.
Continuing, the first person I see is *sigh* Howl. Same clothes, same pretty Navy Black hair, same pretty fucking sexy Christain Bale voice. AHHhhHhh Kudos to my head for that. *drools* The only twist was that he wasn't my romantic individual. In the dream he had a long black hair girl as his girlfriend. He continued to explain to this girl that she had to practice her magic, and that in order to past the test she had to move the small waterfall and the big waterfall's positions. (Geographically)
And for some reason or another, my response to this was jealousy. I told them I could easily move the waterfall. I'm not sure what power I possessed, but it was either super fast flight or teleportation, because the next thing I knew I was transported to the small waterfall, and then to the big waterfall. The waterfalls were gorgeous, almost like they were taken right out of a watercolor picture and plastered onto my dream's landscape. The sounds and smells were so real, I just sat there and admired them for a bit.
Okay, back to reality. It was about this point that my alarm clock went off, but don't worry the dream isn't done yet. My alarm went off at 9:45 am Saturday morning. I pushed that thing until 12:35ish pm Saturday morning. So off and on between my four minute snoozes I dreamnt the rest of this wonderfully confusing dream. But before I continue let me ask you a question... have you ever played with Lincoln Logs? Well if you haven't I'll give you a short explanation. They're logs, with cuts on the ends, or sometimes the middle, that fit in with other logs like puzzle pieces. In the end kids can form log cabins, boats, all sorts of fun things. Now that I've shared that back to dream world.
After viewing each waterfall I realized that Howl and unnamed black haired girl, were following me on the cheap pixel graphic wooden raft. She sat on a light brown little wooden box, much like the ones you destroy in Twilight Princess. Her legs were crossed and her clothes were much like the ones that the main female wore in the Van Helsing movie. I was a little jealous of course, I mean she had kick ass clothes and I had a wanna be shadow link cheap hand me down. It was at this moment that I froze. That girl wasn't just any girl, it was Marie! I just kind of stood there- in midair- (I had the ability to fly I guess...) looking at her, confused and dazed and not quite sure what to do. ...Ahh shit, and at this moment, in real time, it seems that I must leave... My sister is here to pick me up! .. But don't worry, I'll continue this dream later.