(no subject)

Aug 13, 2007 21:52

So I am back from Texas. I got to see my mom and just chill. Well, I got to chill and watch my mom be drunk most of the time. I swear, drama stalks her and her best friend Pattie. Mom was in love with some guy and he ended up being a total dick. He stood her up for a woman nicknamed blowjob Brenda. Everybody calls her that. And she just got out of prison and this guy stood my mom up for this piece of work. Go figure. I am just rather confused about why she was so upset about the whole thing. She was drunk for like three days. It really irritated me. I really don't drink that often and my mom seems to be the party girl. Maybe it is just when I am there but I worry. She isn't taking her meds properly and she is drinking to fix herself. Even when she does take her meds, they aren't working very well for her. I have known for years that she isn't stable but I am really worried. My aunt was an alcoholic. My grandma was an alcoholic. There is a lot of bipolar disorder in my family and the alcoholism was probably fulled by the bi-polar disorder.

Gah! I can't get my mom to try something different because she is allergic to everything and her stupid doctor isn't pushing her to try something new. Arg! I found meds that work, why can't she?

Besides all that drama, I learned how to make coconut shrimp from scratch. Soooo tasty. I didn't do much more cooking. I had a couple of greek dinners which were tasty. I got to hang out with a former roommate from college which was fun. I got to hear about how I should take her boss's job. I might even send my resume her way to see if I can. ::grins::

Got Scott to start and finish a book. Whoo! It isn't that he doesn't like to read it is that he hasn't had the time. Maybe it is a step in the right direction. Lord knows we need more of those.

I am off to find a movie and a drink. Cachaça is still my favorite alcohol and I picked up some limes. Yummy!
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