Uh, whoops?

Apr 28, 2009 21:37

So I think I did a bad thing yesterday. ^^;

I was having lunch with my mom yesterday, and the subject of classic cartoons came up. Just kinda running my mouth, I mentioned that Walt Disney was supposedly a White-supremacist and all about the antisemitism. Now, mind you, my mom was raised Jewish and certainly brought me up on a healthy diet of Snow White and Cinderella.

So I think I kind of broke her world, to put it simply. So I decided to look up some info and see how far off base I was. Turns out, I was pretty wrong. Not completely, but still way out there. I found this article, which basically says Disney was just a capitalist trying to keep his business afloat legally during tough times.

So now not only do I feel like an idiot, but a liar, a traitor to my fellow nerd, and a bad daughter. I'm going to go take a shower or something. See if I can't clean some of this scum off.

L out :/

bad daughter, disney

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