So much for good intentions!

Apr 02, 2008 13:25

I had signed up to do Tai Chi (again - I've done it before but can NEVER remember more than about the first quarter of it - if that!) and went up there for 1:00 p.m. which is when the brochure said that it started. There were only 4 of us there, waiting for the door to be unlocked into the dance studio where it was to be held, but no-one else showed up. One of the ladies wandered off to look at the bulletin board, and on it was a schedule saying that it started NEXT week, and at 1:30 p.m. and not 1:00.
And then, exactly at 1:00, AFAIK, the power went out! Can you say "it's a Sign!"? :)
So, back home, stopping at all the traffic lights as 4-way stops, and everyone was very good about it, but hey, this is Nova Scotia! :)
Luckily the outage didn't hit here, so it's back to drawing up heraldic submissions for various people and groups before the weekend.
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