Атака представителей ЛЛЛ Россия на украинскую маму, переписка с ЛЛЛ

Oct 12, 2015 23:22

Недавно я написала письмо на несколько адресов ЛЛЛ в разных странах и получила ответы из Бельгии и Нидерландов.

Моё письмо выглядело вот так:

Some time ago I needed help in solving breastfeeding problems and I
got this help from people who were LLL leaders. Since then I was
dreaming about joining LLL and was planning to do so when my children
will be old enough to give me some time to study and help other women.

But recently I heard something very weird and disturbing about your
organization. Some leaders attacked Ukrainian woman because she spoke
Ukrainian language in front of them. This situation shocked me. I feel
so bad about woman who was attacked. But the worst part of this story
is that LLL administration didn't even try to solve the problem and to
punish leaders who acted against LLL philosophy and against human
rights, and moreover started to threaten people who tried to defend
Ukrainian leader.

I would like to get answers to such questions.
1) What is LLL going to do to solve this situation?
2) How can LLL allow people who are able to show such intolerance and
discrimination to be LLL leaders? What will be done to protect mothers
that are in contact with this leaders from the hatred and
discrimination this leaders spread?
3) Can you guarantee that this situation won't happen again?

Thank you.

Из Нидерландов написали:
After I received your mail I asked the administrators in Europe about the status quo of the situation you are describing. Because they are working very discreetly, details are only known with the people who are involved, I don't know everything. But they assured me that the situation still have their attention and that they are working on it as much as they can.
Discrimination is not tolerated within LLL.

So I hope my answer gives you enough information. And I hope this situation will soon be solved.

Из Бельгии:
Several month ago I first heard about the problems you are referring too. I immediately contacted LLL Europe to ask what is going on and what has been done about it. I was told that it is a very complex situation and several administrators of LLL Europe are intensively dealing with the problem. Of course I did not get detailed information. Within LLL such information is never shared with others who are not directly involved due to privacy reasons. I know the administrators of LLL Europe very well and I know they do everything to solve the problems. LLL always takes things like this very seriously. But because problems like this are dealt with the greatest discretion, it may look for outsiders like LLL is doing nothing or looking the other way. I can assure you this is not the case.

Меня эти ответы конечно не удовлетворили. Сейчас собираюсь им ответить вот так:
Dear Christine
Thank you so much for your message.
As you are not aware of details, I can briefly explain to you what happened.
9 months ago Russian candidates attacked Ukrainian woman for speaking Ukrainian language.
LLLI was informed about this.
Russian candidated were granted leadership shortly after they attacked Ukrainian.
One and only leader from Ukraine gave up her leadership.
We dont have LLL in Ukraine now because of what happened.
So 'outsiders' aka Ukrainian mothers want to know what happened and why LLLI failed to solve the problem. And answers like yours are not satisfying Ukrainian mothers at all. LLL failed completely in solving ethnic hatred problem. People who bullyed Ukrainian mother are now leaders of LLL. People who were attacked had to leave LLL.
So i would like to repeat my questions:
1) What is LLL going to do to solve this situation?
2) How can LLL allow people who are able to show such intolerance and
discrimination to be LLL leaders? What will be done to protect mothers
that are in contact with this leaders from the hatred and
discrimination this leaders spread?
3) Can you guarantee that this situation won't happen again?

Кто-нибудь получал какие-то ответы от ЛЛЛ? Я сначала писала в LLL international, они не ответили. Потом стала рассылать письма на имейлы в разные страны. И вот получила ответы.

Ла Лече Лига, ЛЛЛ

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