Not in that order.
I'm The Asian.
I love editing. Dear LiveJournal,
If you hate long entries, then here's basically what the next paragraphs say: I went to a district choral event as a bass. You all know I'm white, but somehow I ended up with a tenor solo that's obviously supposed to be sung by a black guy. is being gay, and stfu about the length. I'm bored.
So, I sang in a district choir event... District Honor Choir (DHC). It was pretty cool- singin' bass, pimpin out the manliness. Unfortunately, I was so busy teaching a bunch of the girls in our school the parts to some of their songs that I didn't get a chance to practice one of my songs at all- "Lawd, if I got my Ticket," which, as you can tell by the God-awful syntax, horrible grammar, and a focus on the... "Lawd", was a black spiritual. And don't you say I'm racist. One of the only new people I met and liked was a black chick.
In any case, it went fast, and the words were supposedly in English, but I'm almost certain "projick" isn't in anyone's vocabulary. And I had to sight read that shit. And I couldn't. So, after singing a few of the other songs phenomenally, I got a hella bunch of odd looks from the two sopranos next to me and the three basses (who I'm certain brought weed on the trip).
Later that day, I decided to audition for the *tenor* solo in the black song, just for kicks. So I learned the part during a 10 minute break before auditions. It was me, some white chick soprano, one other white bass (the singer, not the fish you stupid rednecks-
), some Indian kid whose name had like 4 "a"s in a row, and then like 13 black tenors.
I made it to the final three. It was me, some tall black kid, and a short black kid- the director assigned us parts. She asked Rashawd to sing the first third, which caused some confusion because they were both Rashawds... so "short Rashawd" was to sing the first third, "big Rashawd" was to sing the second third, and "not Rashawd" (me) was supposed to sing the last third.
When I sang, I made one of my friends laugh to the point of tears. Some kid I didn't know was making a "cut-it-out" motion. The director asked me to sing the first half anyways, and short Rashawd would wrap it up. Big Rashawd asked what he was supposed to do.
"Um... well... you can clap."
Anyways, that's how we did the concert. I started off the black tenor solo, and he finished it up. And pretty much made me look like a soul-less honky. Which I found amusing. Some girl came by and gave me the most racist compliment ever- "I thought you were better than the other soloist- he just had more friends in color."
Dead serious.
In any case, there's another long story I could post, but even I don't think it's interesting. So, basically, a kid that looks like Jesus recognized me from last year as a participant in a small forum board and called me by my username, which shocked me. I went back to the forum, tried to load videos so they could check them out, but is remarkably retarded.
Lmao, I got a black tenor solo.
*Sigh* and, fine. Everyone else is doing it... so...
It's about time.