ashlee if you wanted to fucking talk to me about it one-on-one, why didnt you call me? and not post it to the entire world to see?!!! its common sense "sweetheart"! obv. its a livejournal, and all my friends will read it and stick up for me. and they arent fucking immature!! dont ever bash my friends, ever. GOD and stop saying i fucking like your god damn boyfriend!!! please, i dont have feelings for him, and im sure im fucking bitching at him!! just please shut your fucking mouth, im the one over-reacting???? OHH REALY? yuor the one comming off all " ah you will never hang out with him ever again, because im ashlee fucking rezendez and i control him...your lucki to even go to his house, you like him blah blah fucking blah" i didnt do SHIT to you...and your comming outta no where fuckign yellin at me for things i didnt even do. okay, i hung out with craig ONCE...woo baby!!! im obsessive over him huh? and umm i dont ever talk to him bc hes busy with baseball and obv chillin' with you. so basically YOU need to be understanging, and realize that me n craig are best friends and you cant ruin that, understand that hunnie? oh heres my favoriteee part!!!!!!!
"when i have the man that you want... because deep down you know that you want him but you wont get him!" HAHAHA LMAO!!! FUCKING SHUT UP YOUR SUCH A BITCH! seriously, i dont fucking like him. understand that?
I D O N T F U C K I N G L I K E H I M....better? is that clear?? and dont tell me that you know who i like,,you dont know anything about me thank god. and yeah, ceylan called you a hoe? deal with it, im sure shes not the one writing horny love notes to her boyfriend..."you stuffed me like a turkey on thanksgiving" god please, no wonder you got dumped! just do us alll a favor, and never comment or talk to me again...cuz we all know YOUR the one causing the problems now, arent ya? why you making sucha big deal outta me n craigs friendship....unless jelousy is a factor? are you afraid that i could take him away? hmm thats sad hun. get over yourself, seriosuly. HM YEA LOVE YOU LOTS!
Hahaha yeah Ashlee you probably wont wanna write one of those discusting notes to craig like you wrote to someone else.. You'll probably get dumped again.. hahaha
omfg i remember that anyways.. alright yeah im getting involved right now.. but you dont know half of lizs friends and can i be immature sometimes? yeah everyone gets immature. but i dont fucking judge you calling you a slut hoe whore and whatever so dont come on like you know all the people who are backing up liz cause im looking at the lj comments right now and no one, well besides craig in a way, has you back or backing you up.. so think twice.
oh heres my favoriteee part!!!!!!!
"when i have the man that you want... because deep down you know that you want him but you wont get him!" HAHAHA LMAO!!! FUCKING SHUT UP YOUR SUCH A BITCH! seriously, i dont fucking like him. understand that?
I D O N T F U C K I N G L I K E H I M....better? is that clear?? and dont tell me that you know who i like,,you dont know anything about me thank god. and yeah, ceylan called you a hoe? deal with it, im sure shes not the one writing horny love notes to her boyfriend..."you stuffed me like a turkey on thanksgiving" god please, no wonder you got dumped! just do us alll a favor, and never comment or talk to me again...cuz we all know YOUR the one causing the problems now, arent ya? why you making sucha big deal outta me n craigs friendship....unless jelousy is a factor? are you afraid that i could take him away? hmm thats sad hun. get over yourself, seriosuly. HM YEA LOVE YOU LOTS!
omfg i remember that anyways.. alright yeah im getting involved right now.. but you dont know half of lizs friends and can i be immature sometimes? yeah everyone gets immature. but i dont fucking judge you calling you a slut hoe whore and whatever so dont come on like you know all the people who are backing up liz cause im looking at the lj comments right now and no one, well besides craig in a way, has you back or backing you up.. so think twice.
i love you elizabeth maxx tom!
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