Jun 20, 2005 14:07
okay, i need to vent all my feelings towards a couple of people right about now...no names though. here it goes. oh and if you think its about you, dont post and be like "is that about mee??!!" because im just not gonna answer.
* your such a fucking bitch, seriously can you be any lower than you possibly are right now? i mean, i thought i was your best friend, but evidently i made a huge ass mistake last year. and even though im carrying on about you this year, is because your sucha lil skank that, WOW i cant seem to get over you. because i hate you so god damn much, and im not the only one, little miss princess. stop thinking everyone likes you, or stop thinking that your so "hott" and shit. because your really not, your just a fake piece of shit that has no respect for anyone. and seriously who starts rumors?? obviously your the only one, because i think people our age have matured enough to not do such a fucking stupid thing like that. and IM the one that you used to make fun of? hm reality check hunni, your the biggest slut in this town. congratulations.
* and you....what do i have to say about you. umm how about, i love you, always will, always have the day we started talking. im not gonna forget you, im not gonna get overly mad at you, im not gonna cry over you...again, and im never gonna go away. whether you like it or not, im still gonna be here the three more years of high school we have togethor. no matter what you do, ill alwayss be your friend, and i willl always care about you. you are sometthing worth so much more in my life, and i could never just erase you from it. and i can deal with your feelings towards me, but i just have to say this one thing... ill never forget the things you did to put a smile on my face, i love you no matter what.
* me and you have basically just started being friends this year. and woa baby let me tell you, im so glad we are to this day!! like, our friendship is something unique because we can laugh about anyyythingggg, and i mean anything. :) we have alot in common, and we are able to talk to each other about anything or anyone ;) last year, cox made us not be friends, but im so glad we are this year. we have shared alot of good times, and i hope there will be more to come. i love you! bffl.
* you two girls are seriosuly my best friends. i have no idea what i would do with out you. we have shared so many good times, that i cant even put them all on one yearbook page ;) we have laughed, cried, yelled, and even sang togetthor. our friendship is worth so much to me, and without you two my life wouldnt be complete. we can tell each other anythinggg, and can have a good time just by ourselves. like, we can actually be ourselves without worrying what people would think. i love you girls so much, and i hope we will stay best freinds forever <33 :)
* wow, one year and me and you are best friends huh? from the day i met you, haha yeah, my feelings for you were a lil iffy. id say. but i saw more to you, and i thought to myself that this kid is soo much more. and im glad you stuck with all my bullshit this year, because i wouldnt have been able to make it this far with out you. i know we never actaully got "togethor" hahah and it seems like it will take forever, but im glad i have you as my best friend!! from the salad days, to blowin' me off ;) hahha ill always be here for you babe. i love you.
phew, i cant think of anyone else right now...