"suddenly thrown on his back by the tentacles of a monster he could not avoid"

Oct 16, 2007 11:40

I'm probably going to go to hell even more for this, and I swear I actually didn't think about this when I was originally reading The Squid scene...but while browsing 'that other topic' and coming across laments over the lack of t on m, hey, Captain Nemo! He looks so handsome and serious in the comic, a little tentacle molestation would do him good. Well, it's a fun subject for us to ponder at least, ahahaha!

Why can't the world of LXG have actual, sentient, deviant, tentacle monsters?

Speaking of depraved thoughts, I present you this exchange between the characters Conseil and Ned Land, from Jules Verne's 20, 000 Leagues Under The Sea;

Part 1, Chapter XXI, A Few Days On Land
"Yes," replied the Canadian, "I'm beginning to understand the charms of cannibalism!"
"What are you saying, Ned!" cried Conseil. "You a cannibal! I won't feel safe sharing my cabin with you if you talk like that! Do you think I want to wake up some morning and find myself half-devoured?"
"Friend Conseil, I'm very fond of you, but not enough to want to eat you, unless I have to!"
"I'm not sure I trust you," replied Conseil. "Come on, let's start hunting! We've simply got to shoot some game to satisfy this cannibal, or else, one of these mornings, Monsieur will find only a few bits of his servant left over to wait on him."
- p165, Signet Classic edition, translated by Mendor T. Brunetti

...mostly, I learned at this junction, that Conseil and Ned are sharing a cabin, in spite of the very roomy nature of the Nautilus! While Arronnax spent his most of the voyage alone with his face pressed to the glass of the window or the display cases of the salon...I wonder what Conseil and Ned was doing?
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