Feb 06, 2006 16:56
Hello! I am reletively NEW to LXG slash. Infact, I just discovered it today, lol. I was home with a cold and read fanfiction all freaking day! lol. Until recently, I've been a HUGE Harry Potter fanfiction writer. I write a little bit of this and that and the other as well, though. I plan to write some fanfiction for this page soon enough and I hope you enjoy it. Maybe do some fanart as well. You never know, lol.
For now, though, I'd like some recomendations, if it's not too much trouble. You see, I always pick one person that I like to see EVERYONE with and one or two people I'd like to NEVER see with ANYONE lol. As it is, I've chosen Tom Sawyer as the one I'd like with everyone, and Captain Nemo, and Dr. Jekll as the ones I DON'T like. Anyway. My fave pairing is, unfortunately, in short supply here, and that pairing would be Tom/Skinner.
I was wondering if you had any recomendations? There seems to be a healthy supply of Dorian/Tom, though, which DOES please me, but, for some reason, I like the idea of Skinner/Tom more. Probably due to the fact that Skinner, being invisible, has all SORTS of...benifits, if you will.
Very much look forward to hearing from you, and my fanfiction SHOULD be out within the week, though the fan art might take a bit longer.