Title: LXG: Clash of the Shinobi TEASER
Category: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Rating: K+ to be safe
Summary: A preview of a future story I have in mind, the League is sent to Japan to rescue two men who were kidnapped by ninjas. However, they must become ninjas themselves to fight.
Disclaimers/Warnings: I do not own the League, the film is copyright to 20th Century Fox, and all literary characters are copyright to their own creators. I have made a good deal of research of Japanese history and culture before doing this. Yes, I might make some references to The Last Samurai, Kill Bill, and 007: You Only Live Twice. No, the ninjas will not have super cool jutsus like in the anime Naruto, but there are some minor references to the anime. Also for the Tom Sawyer fans, Tom gets hit where it really hurts in this teaser.
Under the Fake Cut)