Mar 14, 2005 08:14
It was one thing to hear that he asked about me and supposedly missed me. (No not true, Im sure. Im sure he just misses having someone at all. I couldnt be that fucking special.)
Its another that he stopped by Padingtons. I had already gone home. Either some luck or someone watching over me.
Its going to fuck me up if I see him. I know it is. And goddammit just two months ago I finally felt like I got over everything.
totally off topic and unimportant but I really wish I could find mu fucking nail file. Or just buy one.
Surely he understands that coming to see me wouldnt be a good thing for me. I sacraficed and gave up so much for three years. tried so fucking hared to make him happy all the time and never got naything in return. and now a year later, Ive finally really stopped thinking, obsessing over everything and now he pops back up again. "A year later." you just now think about me?