The show was incredible. Tons of photos to sort through. Sold almost everything; all the medium prints, the two oversized ones, and two of the four oversized pages (not to mention a bloody ton of books). So many zombies. I hope I can get an estimate of semi-reliability but I swear there were at least a hundred; at one point I was just pinned in the gallery while zombies shuffled in, some mumbling at me, some growling at me. I said more than once "I made you, I can unmake you."
We got great coverage in the
Portland Mercury (frontpage of the website and #1 item on the stuff-to-do this week section) and Kaebel and Amanda showed up in on the frontpage of the
Oregonian arts section. Crazy. On the bus at one point Amanda announced "there I am!" at a random person reading about the show. Then at lunch I heard the people in the booth behind me talking about coming to do the zombie walk. So weird.
So many people I knew, so many people I met. So many zombies.
I'll leave you with this fine photo from my friend Jerry who showed up just in time to start snappin' photos of the action and maybe have more to post later once I am generally recovered: