(no subject)

Jun 13, 2006 11:00

Life can be so odd sometimes.

Frustrating really, and yet sad.

Ahhh... maybe it's just my life. I dunno....

I've never had alot of friends, even fewer I would have ever called good friends and the ones I've ever considered "true" friends I could count on one hand.

It's not that I'm difficult to get along with,(at least I don't think so). In fact I've found that most people find me very easy to talk to once they realize I'm not as mean as I tend to look. Let's face it when your a little over 6 ft and nigh 300 lbs. yah tend to appear a little intimidating to some folk. I'm just a very quiet and introverted person. I don't talk alot and there are few people I feel comfortable talking around. Even online, as is obvious to anyone who looks at my LJ, or My Space.

I think this is due mainly to the fact that I don't feel that I have much in common with alot of people I'm ever around. Especially other men. I'm not much of a manly man, so-to-speak. I'm not into alot of your typical guy activities. Hell, I've told Chrystal several times I'd be gay if I didn't like (insert vulgar word for vagina) so damn much.
So it's not often I find someone that shares some of the same interests that I do. Even more rare to find another guy that likes and dislikes alot of the same stuff that I do. Someone I really have alot in common with that it's almost uncanny, someone that almost thinks the same way I do seems impossible.
Yet it has happened a few times. I've come across persons like that and became good friends with them. The most notable one I found I married her. :)
But there has been others. Not many, but there has been.

It's hard when someone betrays you. When it's a friend it's even more so.

It happened a long time ago, but someone I thought of as a good friend, betrayed me. He did something I'll never forget and maybe never forgive. Suffice to say I cannot be friends with him ever again.
Here's my internal dilemma, the whole reason for this inane rambling.
I still run across this person from time to time. The internet mostly. Seems everybody and thier dog has a blog of somekind or another. Everytime this happens, though, I regret not being friends with this person.
I miss being friends with them.
but somethings you never forget.
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