Nov 14, 2005 23:13
Noise - A disturbance, especially a random and persistent disturbance, that obscures or reduces the clarity of a signal.
This past weekend I went camping with the Crave Youth (the teen ministry at Oasis where I attend Church). It was a great experience. The focus of the weekend was to get away from all of the distractions so prevalent in society today that we allow to hinder us from what God is trying to tell us. So often we are surrounded by so much noise we are unable to hear God's still, small voice asking us to draw near to Him. He desires to be close to us, He created us for that purpose. I find it to be a challenge even if I am in my home alone with everything silent to quiet my mind and just listen for God. Tuning out all of the distractions must be intentional.
We practiced this a few times during our stay at Camp Gilead, the final session for me was amazing. We were to read and reflect on Psalm 23. Where it talks about the Lord being our shepherd, it talks about how to really depend on God, not just through the difficult times to get you through, but in everything you do.
Sheep are completely dependent upon the shepherd for provision, guidance, and protection. God is a good shepherd, we are not frightened passive animals, but follow obediently, and are wise enough to follow God who will lead us in the right places and in right ways. The passage isn't so much about the animal like qualities of the sheep, but the discipleship qualities of those who follow.
I've probably read that Psalm several times. When I finally did quiet myself, and took the time to focus in and really used the Bible to listen to God, He showed up in a big way through this passage. If I would just be obedient and follow God, and take the time to focus on Him in a time of silence, He'll lead me to the "green pastures" so that I can be restored.
I am pretty independent, I like to do my own thing. I am a smart girl and can take care of myself, I often think. Sure I have a decent idea for my life at times, but is it really the best plan for me? Probably not! I don't always realize all that God has done for me, it's a shame, He's been so good to me my entire 23 years of existence. I could learn to depend on God more often for His provision, guidance, and protection. His plan is perfect for my life, and if I am obedient and follow Him, I will be well taken care of and fulfilled.
I look back at the last few years of my life, and the whole experience I've had in Florida has been God leading and guiding me. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine myself living in Florida. Visiting Southeastern was probably the first step, I had toyed with the idea of going to Full Sail, and after visiting there, I was certain that was not God's plan for my life. I am not knocking the school, it's excellent, it just wasn't the path of obedience to God in my life. That same trip to FL I visitd Southeastern as well, before this I was pretty much dead set against attending a Christian College, from what I heard from other folks was that Pastors sent their heathen children their to get saved, and more often than not it never worked and they ended up worse than before. I didn't want to be with that kind of group. But my visit to Southeastern wasn't like that at all. Sure that crowd probably exists, but if we are obedient God will guide us in the right place. Southeastern is a place where people strived for excellence, and could pursue a liberal arts degree and work in the real world, be a professional of the highest caliber, and still a strong witness for God in the workplace. I truly enjoyed my Junior and Senior year at Southeastern. It was a time great time of personal, professional, and spiritual growth. I would not have had the same result had I chosen my own path instead of God's.
Even though this weekend was designed for the youth, I received so much from it as well. In the past, finding that time alone with God was not always a priority for me. Sure I love God, and do my best to honor him, and to worship Him, but after this weekend, and what I have experienced, I realize it's a necessity, I want to know God so much more, and to grow, but that won't happen if I don't spend any time in His presence.
Back to the rest of the trip, Friday we played a great game of capture the flag; Saturday a kickball tournament; swimming, tubing, and canoeing at the lake; the best camp food in the world; and great friends! I am so thankful for what I experienced on this trip! I wish more of the students would have been able to go. I am soooo looking forward to next year!