Mar 15, 2005 05:14
last kiss: my last real kiss was with Jake Banyai, a while ago when he said he was glad that we found eachother
last cigarette: a few hours ago
last alcoholic beverage: dos equis are the shit
last good cry:my nervous breakdown on friday, I had a long overdue cry
last library book checked out: Hindu culture
last movie seen:Braveheart i think?
last book read: Voltaire, and Introduction to exisitentialism
last cuss word uttered: Fuck
last beverage drank: Arizona green tea
last food consumed: Taco Bell
last phone call: chris soloman? Mikey Moore
last tv show watched: music videos
last shoes worn: my shoes from cost plus
last cd played: Haha, Peaches Ani Difranco, Pinback
last item bought: food, caras bday present
last downloaded: haffos music video
last annoyance: we have no gratitude
last disappointment: grades, guys, myself
last soda drank: i don't drink soda anymore
last thing handwritten: something random in my real journal
last word spoken: I dont know
last im: Jon Vinson
last weird encounter: so smoking with one of my neighbors who helped save my dad and my dog when thy were getting attacked, The party at Jakes, a kindrid spirit buying sound tribe sector nine tickets for me when my life was very sad
last ice cream eaten: carAmel moooolattes at dairy queen, they are glorious
last amused: sneaking in through caras window and laughing hysterically, doing smoking tricks with jordyn in my back yard, thinking about prom/gratuation
trippin on drugs?: well well well wouldnt you like to jugde me
last time wanting to die: certain moments are too intense for my body to handle, but dont really want to die. kust want tjhat moment to die
last time in love: flecks of love here and there, always danny dobson, on occasion i still think about jmz p
last time hugged: tonight at mikeys by wildcat
last time scolded: my dad
last shirt worn: haha it said yum pop
last time dancing:i rock out in my car
1 MINUTE AGO: i was sick of typing
1 HOUR AGO: i was at caras
1 DAY AGO: hanging out with cara smiling and laughing
1 WEEK AGO: stressed the fuck out
1 YEAR AGO: irresponsible and crazy, but i was light hearted, drinking with my best friends, jogging every day and having a very unstable yet spectacular lifestyle
1. What do you most like about your body? my nose, my hands
2. And least? feet, butt
3. How many fillings do you have? none? two i think?
4. Do you think you're good looking? depends on the day
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? yeah sometimes,
First job: dairy queen
First screen name: skatagrl360
First funeral: Matt
First pet: my old dog, trouble
First credit card: this year, it scares me
First Kiss: 5th grade with ruben miranda but my first real kiss would be with danny dobson in the middle of that alfalfa field
First one that mattered: some matter more then others but beau bandura, danny dobson, james prezwelocki
First boyfriend: ryan liss
First enemy: 8th grade Amber Ridel, she made fun of me the entire year for my weight and other stupid gossip, so iwrote a story about her and posted it over the school and she finally apologized and i tasted victory
First big trip: road trip 2004 with greens and la caja, next summer im going to study in a castle in ireland
First concert: Less Then Jake
First musician you remember hearing in your house:whoever sang the song bad to the bone