Having a maid around means Sandy can dance all day if she wants.
Well, in between all the peeing, sleeping and eating she does now that she's with child.
Being a werewolf and having a full time job takes its toll on Hollis. He often comes home exhausted and sometimes doesn't make it to the bed. A friend of one of the boys thinks its kind of embarrassing.
Astrid as a toddler. Her PT parent isn't one we've seen in this legacy so far.
Stephen walked in on his Dad's werewolf transition. Could be worse kid, trust me.
Neat ghosts are neat. :)
Hollis decides its time to ask Sandy to join the family proper.
Unfortunately their first born together is still going to be a bastard.
And its a girl. Laura.
Karina is a good big sister.
Stephen grew up.
And had his first werewolf transition. Ryan is shocked to find his older brother looking rather hairy.
He's a family/knowledge sim so he's going to do great with all the younger siblings he will have.
Laura grows up stinky.
#2 for Sandy and #7 for Hollis is on the way.
They have a quick wedding ceremony in the upstairs hallway.
Stephen really wants to be kissed so he tries his luck down town.
He finds a lot of people he's attracted to.
And he freaks some of them out by changing into a werewolf.
Sure, if that's your story.
36 hour preg mod is like the best thing since sliced bread, btw.
Astrid has her childhood transition. She makes me want to break the male heir trend.
Just look at that nose!
She is totally adorable.
Dude, you can't put another baby in there yet!
Another girl, Chelsea.
Now you can knock her up again.
Oh Astrid, I was hoping you'd be more than just a pretty face.
And with the house getting a little crowded its time for Karina to move on to bigger and better things. She danced her way into two of three scholarships.