2020 Fic Writer Wrap-up

Dec 29, 2020 20:31

So, I saw this meme on Twitter and thought I'd take a stab at answering the 30 questions. It's behind a cut, because, yeah, I got wordy. Imagine that? :D

1. What's your favorite kind of fic to write? Family-oriented stories, whether actual or "found" families.
2. Which fic of yours was the hardest to write? Full Circle I tore my boys apart and had to put them back together. Couldn't have done it without my lovely beta. *waves at
3. Which was the easiest? Picnic I remember this bunny hopped into my head and right out my fingers in just a couple of hours. It was light and fun; and I still smile when I think of it.
4. Favorite story you've ever written? Sanguine Blood play is so not my thing, but the recipient of this challenge fic wanted "blood and/or tears, aftercare, and no shame, though reluctance was fine," and, well, this bunny just called to be written. Also, it was fun getting deep into Mal's head. :)
5. Do you write from start to finish, or do you hop around? Start to finish. Which probably explains all the WiP's I have. Oops?
6. Have you ever deleted a published fic? Nope. Though I contemplated deleting one of my Nathan/Sean ones from AO3. Left it up since it had been there for several years. Haven't decided about posting my other ones there.
7. What's the best writing advice you've ever received? Something
lyr said not long ago… Descriptiveness isn't a bad thing, just a different style. Must remember that. :)
8. What's the worst? Oh, lord, someone told me eons ago that I should stick to writing what I know, or words to that effect, in regards to writing about sex. Um, hello? May not be a gay man, but also not a virgin. *eyeroll*
9. Have you ever collabed with another writer? *waves at
10. How many WiP's do you have right now? LOLOLOLOL Oh, wait, you're serious? Well, let's just say I have three that I'm "actively" working on, for values of "active" that mean I'll open them up, look at them, and contemplate where to go next. Two are Firefly and one is Lucifer. All of them are gonna be long. Short one shots. What are those?
11. Story you are most proud of? Full Circle
12. Favorite story of another author? Trauma Medicine I remember reading this all the way through in one sitting, crying my eyes out during parts of it, and thoroughly loving it. I downloaded it so I'd always have it to go back to. ;)
13. Best review you've ever gotten? You know, I've gotten a lot of nice comments over the years, but somehow no particular one has stuck in my head. (Edit: Eons ago, srichard commented on Full Circle that she liked the way I'd handled BDSM vs Abuse. Given that she had posted many rants about that subject, which I'd read, it just gave me the warm fuzzies to know she thought I got it right. Still does.)
14. Worst review you've ever gotten? This one did stick in my mind, though. Eons ago an anon comment on Lost in the Desert complained that I'd rated the fic G, instead of PG, when there was a passionate gay kiss and the word 'ass' in the fic. I'll cop to the 'ass', but there were no 'passionate' kisses. Just kisses. *eyeroll* (And what does it say about my psyche that I remember this but not the best one - Oh, wait! Just remembered it. Gonna edit…)
15. If you could write the sequel or prequel to a fic currently on AO3 other than your own, which fic would it be? I… honestly don't know. It's been so long since I read any amount of Firefly fic, and I'm too new to Lucifer to even think about it. And I wouldn't even contemplate it in other fandoms I've read but not written in.
16. Do you reread your own stories? Hell, yeah. Especially now that I'm reposting them on AO3. And? I must say I'm still fairly happy with all of them. :)
17. Do you want to be published some day? Not particularly, except for my family history.
18. Favorite character to write? Mal
19. Least favorite character to write? Inara. I just have a hard time getting a handle on her characterization.
20. Do you set yourself deadlines or goals? Sometimes? When it's a challenge fic. But not usually.
21. Name three favorite fic writers. Shout out to my f-list:
kis, and
lyr. Also haleyross in the Lucifer fandom on AO3. I've been reading a lot over there (some good, some mediocre, and some downright bad) but haven't really noticed who most of the writers are. However, her story The Things God Gave Us is just *chef's kiss*. It's an AU, which I don't usually care for, but she sells it with her writing. (As an aside, I seem to like reading heavy angst, even if I don't want to write it. *g*)
22. Is there a trope you've never written, but want to try? I… try not to write tropes? Probably have done so, though, without realizing it. There are so many! I do like subverting them, though. See: Medically Impossible and Too Many Thoughts ;)
23. Is there a trope you will never write? Space Pollen and the like. Unless I can find a way to subvert it, of course. :)
24. How long have you been a writer? Of fanfic? From 2006-2010ish. Before that? I dabbled off and on, but nothing to speak of. After that? Just taking minutes for my various groups until I started back into fandom this year.
25. What/who are some influences on your writing? I've never thought about it, so don't know. Maybe just my life experiences, such as they are?
26. Hardest part of writing? Starting
27. Easiest part of writing? The actual, physical typing. When the words are flowing, so are my fingers. Comes of being a secretary in my former life.
28. Best part of writing fanfic? Not have to build the world.
29. Share the plot of a WiP you haven't published yet. How Mal goes from being a man so full of anger at the Alliance after Miranda to one who gives the "Love Keeps Her in the Air" speech at the end of Serenity.
30. Tell us something unique that you bring to all of your stories! My perspective. What? I'm not some kind of special snowflake, but there's nothing unique about what I do. All I can bring to the table that no else can is my personal view of things.

And there you have it. My thoughts on fic for 2020. Hope everyone's 2021 is better than 2020's been.

fanfic, personal

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