Mar 27, 2013 14:58
So. Apparently TV shows that have been canceled can be brought back from the brink. And I'm not talking about the more well-known ones like Arrested Development's return via Netflix or Veronica Mars' via Kickstarter - awesome as those both are. No, I'm talking about Drop Dead Diva, whose network did a 180 and decided to bring it back for a 5th season after abruptly announcing its cancellation a couple months ago. Hunh. Guess I'll be adding that back into my watching queue. Here's hoping it's worth it. ;)
I've been watching Body of Proof since its return and... I'm not so sure I like the way they've taken the show. There's been a distinct flavor of the supernatural in a couple episodes which seems totally out of place for the canon, but they've also gotten much more graphic in the autopsy room and that just makes me shudder. If I wanted that much realism, I'd watch the medical shows on TLC (or wherever they're airing them these days). Still, there are only a few more episodes left this season, so I'll stick it out.
Speaking of sticking it out... Castle is getting on my last nerve. For every episode that makes me laugh (last week's) there are two more that make me roll my eyes (this week's and the two-parter). *sigh* And I think what annoys me most is how they've taken Beckett from a strong character who knew what she wanted in life to this namby-pamby creature who can't make up her mind about her feelings, and who has a tendency to be petty and vindictive when things in her relationship with Castle don't go the way she wants them to. Ugh. She's always had a bit of a mean streak, which also annoys me - especially when it's played for laughs - but pettiness is too close to manipulation when honesty would be better all the way around. And don't get me started on the whole Ryan/Jenny sub-plot that's been going on this season. So. Yeah. Season's almost over. Yay?
OTOH, The New Normal and Go On are approaching their season endings as well, and I'll miss them both. I think I heard TNN's been renewed for next season, but I haven't heard about Go On. Here's hoping. *crossed fingers*
Also, Warehouse 13 is back in a couple of weeks! It'll be interesting to see where they go from last season's cliffhanger ending.
Still have White Collar, Once Upon a Time and Hawaii 5-O on the DVR to catch up on. And, oh! There's going to be a spin off for OUaT! Cool. Hope it's as fun as OUaT is. And there's S.H.I.E.L.D. to look forward to in the fall, and Much Ado About Nothing in June. So, there's that. :)
As for fic writing, I've figured out why I have no interest in writing for Castle. Anything I think about writing is 'fix-it' fic, and that's so not what I'm interested in writing. So the creative impulses will continue to be directed to my crafting. Which I shall have to give an update on later.