Randomness...and only FOUR days to Long Beach Pride!!!

May 12, 2008 14:39

I went to the Britt in Long Beach on Saturday to hang with my friend Emma.  She wanted to bounce some horror date details from Friday night off of me.  Fun times!  One thing that I find funny and what is my perception a non-issue with dating in the gay community is the…”You led me on” scenario.  There are no questions when it comes to sex…if two gay men are out on a date for the most part you know within the first half-hour whether the chance of sex is a viable option or not.  In actuality probably less time, for most, I guess I am not as quick to make that decision as others are.  The closest I have ever been to experiencing this scenario is I have been called a cock-tease!  Can you believe it?  But honestly this only happens when I am interested in the person.  I think I have touched on this in the past, if I am into someone, I don’t…well I try not to have sex on the first date.  If I do have sex on the first date, I tend not to call or follow up with the person.  I know this is a bit crass but, hey I am guilty of it.  My former therapist never quite understood why I do/have done this.  But I digress…I am happy that I don’t have to deal with this scenario.  It’s good to be GAY!

It is Long Beach Pride next weekend and I am so looking forward to it.  I know that I will be staying with Emma…so we somewhat have things planned out.  I just don’t know if I will make it down on Friday or Saturday.  Last year I was unable to make it out…that’s when I had a disagreement with the hardwood floors…I lost.

So Friday, I think I will go to a party hosted by my former roommate.  His Pride party last year was lots of fun.  I decided not to have such a strict schedule over Pride weekend though…I’ll just hang with Emma and possibly some others that I have not seen in sometime.

Things to do before PRIDE:

·        Haircut.

·        Buy some new jeans to accent my assets.

·        Mani and Pedi (This will be a Emma and Klaus Saturday morning bonding/hangout thingy)

·        Buy a couple bottles of booze to take to ex roomies Pride Party and another party that Emma was invited to on Sunday (The guy that invited her thought we were a couple.  I was mistaken for a straight! If the guy only knew that his partner and I got it on in my mustang one evening three years back).  FYI-Sex in a convertible mustang is not so much fun.

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