First, Oh my... this picture. I have no words. I am looking forward to the reading the interview though. --an awesome/convenient homepage. It imports all your favorites, lets you organize them into groups and highlights them when they are updated. (Don't be a slave to your bookmarks!) I've been using for about a week and I like it. The only downside is that I now don't see the news headlines every time I get online, which is sadly how I stay informed.
On and On a blog I check occasionally that's sometimes really funny and almost always bizarre. This is where I found, which was posted about again today, ironically enough.
Austenblog -- An amazing, sarcastic blog for all your Jane Austen related news.
toddalcott's thorough and insightful commentary on Schindler's List: Parts one, Two and Three.
I've been participating in halseanderson's Write 15 Minutes a Day Challenge. As a person who is very interested in writing, but doesn't do a whole lot of it I've found it surprisingly enjoyable.
The Harry Potter Alliance: a website uniting people who are dedicated "to using the examples of Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore to spread love and fight the Dark Arts in the real world."
Go Fug Yourself this charmingly named website is a hilarious, snarky celebrity fashion blog.