Feb 10, 2003 04:01
What do you do when you realize nothing you do is good enough? We've all been there before, haven't we? That point that you reach when you're ready to say 'enough is enough' and call it quits because every time you try you invariably fail? I've been there so many times; I almost don't care to count them anymore. They've become scars, points in my life that I no longer care about but can't stop myself from thinking about. Kind of like those really embarrassing memories of things you'd done or said that, even to this day, cause a red hot streak of blinding embarrassment just thinking about them. The kind of memory that has you saying to yourself, "Help me God". In actuality, it's those kinds of moments that you should take with relish and enjoy. Why?
Because you'll never get over them if you don't. They intentionally nag at you, that's their job. They do it to make sure you never want to try anything daring again. In a way, it's man's way of defeating himself. Every man inevitably believes that he shouldn't have anything good for himself. After all, if everything's good and nothings bad, how could you get up in the morning knowing that, for so many other people, things are that bad? How could you feel you were 'apart of society' if all the problems everyone else claimed to have, you simply didn't? Does it alienate you? Does it make you feel like less a person because you can't cope or you can't equate to some hardship you have had or someone you know has had? Perhaps just because your friend fell off of his bike when you were both eight and broke his arm, you think that at some point, because you giggled when they cried, you're supposed to break your arm too. It's karmic, It's return, it's what you deserve, right? Wrong.
When you find yourself at that precipice, at that point where things are at their lowest and you're ready to quit, you find yourself thinking that no matter what you do, it won't work and you'll be made a fool; remember something. Everybody who ever took a chance, they didn't all fail. Like the old adage goes: You can take a glass pitcher to the well a hundred times, but drop it only once and it's broken forever. That can work for you, it can work in reverse if you just think of it like this: You can fail 100 times, but out of that hundred there's always one time you could succeed. All it takes is one and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we'll pull away from those needlessly depressing thoughts of us forever being in a bind, or forever having some conflict or struggle to overcome. It's like when you were little and you couldn't figure out why some kids just knew how to do things and you didn't. The key to it all is, that doesn't mean you can't learn.
Don't be afraid to succeed. It's the finest thing you could ever do for yourself. Letting you be you and being happy about it is the spice of life. Shake things up, burn things down, move things out, move things in, but in all your getting for yourself. Get understanding of yourself. Don't short-change you just because you don't understand you. And don't discount the next person who says they know you better than you know yourself. Tell them to explain. Tell them to elaborate on just what they see in you. You could learn a lot from the eyes looking in instead of your own looking out. We are all vessels in a mixture, simple bubbles in a pool of water. Sure we'll pop now and again, but that doesn't make us any more or less what we were, we're just no longer blanketed in a layer of water. We all exist together, we all move as one together and it doesn't matter if you get everyone on the planet to run in the same direction at the same time. The earth won't stop spinning the way it does.
Stop trying to raise the bridge and learn to lower the river. Sometimes the very dams you erect for your own protection are the very things that cause you to drown in a pool of your own thoughts. Be creative if you can, and if you can't, do something that lets that water out. Share thoughts with people, do things you've never done before. Buy a box of Popsicle sticks from a hobby shop and spill them on the floor in your room. Why? So you can pick them up and put them back in the box. Why? Because you didn't do that this morning when you got up. Take those same sticks and make something out of them. You'd be surprised what a little glue, determination and intuitive thinking can do for you. Take out a sheet of paper, get your favorite pen and scribble on the paper. Make any kind of mark, just make one. Keep doing this and let your mind wander. Don't look at the paper while you do this, just relax and think. Wait several moments and then look. You might just see something startling, something about yourself or perhaps just something that inspires you to do great things.
You're not the kid everybody made fun of. I guarantee you at your school all those years ago, they made fun of someone else just as badly. Take heart in the fact that you weren't the only one and realize that the only reason children feel the need to make fun of someone is because they don't understand him or her. That's fault of your own for not making yourself clear from the beginning. Either that or chalk them up to mean people, but whatever you do, don't dwell on it. Dwelling on it brings poisonous thoughts designed to trigger your mind into betraying you with depression. Depression is an idea, not a condition. A cure is an ideal and not an inoculation. Always strive to think a different way, feel a different way, and see a different way. Climb a fence just to see the world from its point of view.
Remember the experiences that were good. Too often we think about the bad memories more than the good ones and we think to ourselves, 'I've had a horrible life.' No, you've just been ignoring the beauty in your life that you've let pass you by sitting in your room and sweating the small things. It's never as bad as you think it is and when you're old and gray and telling your children's children to 'keep their chin up', you'll remember the good in your life and remember the wasted water you shed over the bad. You'll remember to tell them not to let the good moments pass them by without noticing. You'll remember that, despite it all, you're perfect just being you.
Be you.
Hybrid: Out.