As time goes on, some people you remember more than others. My ultimate goal in life is to be remembered by more people than most. To do that, I suppose I’ll have to do something extremely spectacular. Maybe save the life of a popular politician, or perhaps just become an actor. And if neither of those work out, there’s always free internet publishing. After all, we use the greatest medium for connecting with millions of people in the world without a television. Maybe that means something, maybe it doesn’t. Either way I don’t really care, I just figure, at the very least, I owe you something more than just words. Some of you have been looking at this garbage for years; I mean literally years.
So as I sit here in class, bored out of my skull, wishing my teacher would leave me the piss alone (And more than anything, wishing I could just drop out and still get a degree. God this is major boring shit), I’m left with a subtle sense of accomplishment. I’ve managed to hang on to you people since I was seventeen. That says a lot for a 23-year-old born social outcast. Yeah? HAHA! So anyway, as a consolation prize, I give you: Me.
Don’t ask how I managed to take a picture of myself and maintain wheel control. It’s a gift... Actually, I thumped the guy in front of me. Now I have a dent in my bumper. Bollocks.
You can find more of me, your local, neighborhood deep thinker