Nov 05, 2007 19:05
The day the whole word loves, there won't be more lust in bed, but more gentle hugs in corridors, more whispered, "i love you"'s in cars and in buses and trains. The day the whole world loves men may not break into song, but maybe a man will take his wife by the hand and just say, "you're beautiful" no matter what her outer beauty is. And on the day the whole world loves, children will sit in parks and shopping malls and listen as couples who have been in love so long talk about growing old together, and the children will cry tears of happiness, for the day that whole world loves, that is all they will wish for, to live forever with someone who cherishes them. The day the whole entire world, all 6 billion of them begin to love, the wars will cease. Men will stare down at the guns, or grenades or pens in their hands, and they will drop them to the ground and walk away, and they will go home to their mothers, and their sisters and their daughters and their wives and simply hold them, rock them back and forth and sing the worship songs of their God. For on the day the whole world comes together and loves, violence will seems such a petty thing in comparison, to the great exhilarating beauty that is love.
to tomorrow then,